Headbands by Hope

Truly blessed by this girl. She tirelessly sewed for hours to send headbands and scrunchies to a home in Bangladesh. One of our friends went to visit her sponsor kids there and Hope wanted to send something along as a gift.

She gives me what her name is…Hope. Hope that the next generation will serve. Not themselves but others. Hope that the next generation will run hard after Jesus. Fixing their eyes on Him as their reward. Hope that one day all of the orphans and the pain and the sadness will all go away. Because of the Man that we’ve put our hope in will meet us face to face and say, “Well done, good and faithful servant.” And all of eternity will be a fulfillment of that hope that was planted deep in our souls.

My hope is in Him. Our Hope is in Him. Praising God for my daughter, Hope, and for the next generation that will continue to carry on the torch of faith, hope, and love.