I’ve been running…

I have been a runner for as long as I can remember. My dad loves foot races. And so do I. I remember him challenging us to races in our backyard, sprinting barefoot through the green grass from the pool to the gravel driveway. Out of breath, we would fall to the ground in a heap of giggles.

This made me a track runner throughout middle school, high school, and college. I traded my bare feet for socks and spikes, lush green grass for the black rubber track, and my competitor was not my dad anymore, he was found in the stands cheering me on. Now, as a mom, I have competed in a couple of triathlons and other races. So I have been running for a long time.

But the running that I have been doing over the last year and a half has been similar to that of Jonah. God asked him to go to Ninevah. He ran in the opposite direction, even getting on a boat to avoid the task given to him by the Lord.

God has been asking me to write this blog. And I have been running. Hard. Ignoring the prodding voice inside, giving excuses, and giving my time to other things. But God just keeps pursuing me. And He doesn’t ever stop. He kept pursuing Jonah and He hasn’t given up on me.

I didn’t want to write a blog. It’s not me. But I am going to listen. I am going to lean hard into this task of obeying Him and I will let Him lead me. And if this blog encourages only one soul to live more fully for Christ? Then so be it. He will lead this race of life and I will follow. Barefeet and all.

2 Replies to “I’ve been running…”

  1. Tammy, what an encouraging blog! I am so proud of you for starting it. Your heart is kind, pure, and this is true inspiration for who we serve!

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