Battle with me

As a homeschool family, this COVID quarantine hasn’t changed too much of our routine. We continue to plug away at our school work and have even started some of next year’s curriculum.  However, those extra activities like piano & violin lessons, baseball practice & games, Grace classes, all church activities & playdates that have been canceled have caused a challenge for our family to be around each other ALL. THE. TIME. There is usually only one day of the week that we are home all day! Not all seven days! My husband is a builder, so he is off of work at this time as well.  So we have been intentional about getting outside as much as we can, doing projects, watching movies, organizing closets, camping in the backyard,  baking and cooking together.

Character Building For Families memorization

But amidst all of the things we are filling our days with, are we using this extra time well?  Are we gathering them around the table as a family and filling them with good food for their tummies, but more importantly, eternal food for their souls?  

The devil likes to distract us. He makes us think that there are other things that NEED to be done. He makes us think that there are other things that we WANT to do. And all of these things can be ok, even good.  We are doing life together. But, are we redeeming the time that we have been given and ministering to the souls of our children, bringing them to the Living Word?  

In this time, and always, I would like to challenge us to show our children Christ.  Christ crucified, Christ risen from the grave, Christ as our Mediator, Christ as our Friend, and as our constant source of strength.  But, this will be a battleground. An INTENSE battleground.  I see it in the eyes of my children when they would rather run outside to play basketball or jump on the tramp.  I see it in my own heart when I would rather go put in another load of laundry or pour another steaming cup of coffee.  This WILL be a fight. This WILL be a battle. The devil is battling us for the hearts of our children.  Will we be found taking up our Sword of the Spirit, the Word, fighting for their precious hearts?  Or will we let another day go by?  

Mamas, I beg you, fight with me. Battle with me. Take up your arms and redeem the time that we have been given. Let’s make it so that we are able to look back at this time with joy. With the joy of learning more about Christ. Seeing Him more fully through His Word.  Bringing our children to the feet of Jesus where He promises to bless them.  And giving us the hope that we need during a time of uncertainty and trial.  

This time of uncertainty is not going to end soon.  The repercussions of this silent enemy will be huge.  Life is going to be changed.  But we personally know the One who doesn’t change. And we are on His side! Let’s hide God’s Word in our hearts so we are able to battle the enemy together. 

Challenge your kids to memorize a chapter of the Bible! Our recent memorization was Psalm 139. Here is a video of my kids reciting it with their motions.